Introduction to the Scottish Road Works Online website.
This site shows road works recorded on the Scottish Road Works Register which are taking place now or planned to take place in the future. By default only works taking place over the next week are shown, but you can set it up to show more if you want.
What can you do on the site?

Use the mouse to click and move about the map. You can zoom in (“+”) and zoom out (“-“).
The red circles show how many works are taking place in that area. Clicking on the circles will zoom in and show more detail for that area. Zoom in far enough and you will see icons for individual works.

Clicking on a works icon will show information about the works, including contact details should you wish to find out more about the works.
The works are colour coded based on the estimated impact the works will have on traffic. You can find out more by clicking on the Key button.

You can use the search functionality to find a specific road/postcode.
Advanced options can be shown by clicking on the Filter button.

Here you can change the date range, to show works planned further into the future. Please note details of historic works are not shown on this site.

By clicking on the email button you can send an email, which includes a link for the website to share the location you are looking at.

You can set up an alert subscription, where the site will send you an email alert of any works taking place in an area you highlight, by clicking on the alerts button.